Scottish Railway Preservation Society Collections pages

Small Objects and Archive Collection

LNER monthly return ticket from Pomathorn to Leadburn

We have a growing collection of historic small objects and archive material. Some of this is on display at Bo'ness in the Museum of Scottish Railways, and some (especially signalling equipment) is displayed in use on the working railway.

The Small Objects and Archive collection can be searched from our Search Page. The locomotive and rolling stock collections can be found from the Menu Bar on the left of this and every page.

Using the Search Page

The upper drop-down box allows the search to be restricted to types of object, but defaults to "all categories".

The second drop-down box allows selection of objects by the original owner, and defaults to "unattributed", which applies only to objects of uncertain original ownership.

Searches can be further refined by use of the two free-text fields. These are not case sensitive, and the wildcard "*" can be used at the end of words if required.